Anxiety neurosis is a term covering several different forms of abnormal, pathological anxiety, fears and nervous conditions that may occur suddenly and/or gradually over a period of several years. It may impair or prevent the pursuing of normal daily routines.
Star Ayurveda provides treatment with unique combination of kerala panchakarma therpy with required ayurvedic medcines
Depressive disorders have been around right from the the beginning of recorded history. Hippocrates referred to depression as melancholia, which literally means black bile. Black bile, along with blood, phlegm, and yellow bile were the four humors (fluids) that accounted for the basic medical physiology of that time. Depression has been portrayed in literature and the arts for hundreds of years. In the 19th century, depression was seen as an inherited weakness of temperament.
Depressive disorders come in different forms, just like heart disease and diabetes. The three most common types of depressive disorders are discussed below. However, within each of these types, there are variations in the number, severity, and persistence of the symptoms.
Major depression is characterized by a combination of symptoms, including low moods(see symptom list) that interfere with the ability to work, sleep, eat, and enjoy once-pleasurable activities. Disabling episodes of depression can occur once, twice, or several times in a lifetime
Dysthymia is a less severe type of depression. It involves long-term (chronic) symptoms that do not disable, prevent the affected person from feeling good. Sometimes, people with dysthymia also experience episodes of major depression. This combination of the two types of depression is referred to as double-depression Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression)
Another type of depression is bipolar disorder, which was formerly called manic-depressive illness or manic depression. This condition shows a particular pattern of inheritance. Not nearly as common as the other types of depressive disorders, bipolar disorder involves cycles of depression and mania, or elation. Bipolar disorder is often a chronic, recurring condition. Sometimes, the mood switches are dramatic and rapid, but most often they are gradual.
When in the depressed cycle, the person can experience any or all of the symptoms of a depressive disorder. When in the manic cycle, any or all of the symptoms listed under mania may be experienced. Mania often affects thinking, judgement, and social Behaviour in ways that cause serious problems and embarrassment. For example, unwise business or financial decisions may be made when an individual is in a manic phase
Adults: You may be said to have clinical depression if you have a depressed mood for at least 2 weeks and have at least 5 of the following symptoms:
Children: Children with depression also experience these classic symptoms, but may exhibit other symptoms as well, including the following:
Elderly: While any of the classic symptoms of depression may occur in elderly people, other symptoms also may be noted.
Star Ayurveda provides treatment with unique combination of kerala panchakarma therpy with required ayurvedic medcines.
The federal government National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicated that people who got less than four hours of sleep a night were 73 percent more likely to be obese than those who got the recommended seven to nine hours of rest. People averaging five hours of sleep had a 50 percent greater risk, and those with six hours of sleep had 23 percent more
From nightmares to insomnia to sleep apnea, sleep disorders disrupt the sleep of millions of people all over the world. Lets look at the various types of sleep disorders.
Sleep Loss goes hand-in-hand. There are some common factors associated with sleep loss that are caused by excess fat in the throat that constricts the airway and stops the natural rhythm of breathing
Star Ayurveda provides treatment with unique combination of kerala panchakarma therpy with required ayurvedic medcines
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STAR AYURVEDA - Represents the tradition ayurveda at their highest level in the classical texts of this science.
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