Ans: Star Ayurveda founded by group of commited doctors having experience more then 36 years in the field ayurveda,
Ans: our aim is to diagnose any patient ailment on the basis of Ayurvedic concepts and treating them according to Ayurveda with genuine classical Ayurvedic medicines.and utilaising panchkarma therpy when it si required
Ans: This is not true.The fact is Ayurveda has excellent fast acting medicines.Ayurveda is as fast acting as modern medicines in acute diseases like fever,diarrheoa,etc. In certain other diseases like male infertility,kidney stones,gall bladder stones,skin diseases, gastric problems, cosmetic problems (hair disorder,pigmentation problems) joint diseases,ano-rectal disorders(fistula,fissure,piles,etc), diabetes, asthma, obesity, etc. Ayurvedic medicines have shown remarkable quick results than other system of medicines. A point to be noted here is that Ayurvedic medicines are not only fast acting but also they tend to bring permanent relief without side effects.
Ans: Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine, a way of life.If Ayurvedic health codes are followed it ensures a healthy long life. Ayurvedic medicines are natural,all the medicines prepared in Ayurvedic system of medicine are from three natural resources, viz; Vegetative (herbs,shrubs,trees,etc.,) Animal and Mineral origin. Even in our dialy living we only depend on these natural resources for food,etc.The natural things are normally friendly,non-harming,beneficial and suitable to the Human system (body). Ayurvedic medicines being natural medicines,our body system accepts them without giving rise to any adverse violent reaction. A judicious use of Ayurvedic medicines will never cause any side effect on the system,instead it is established that Ayurvedic medicines in addition to curing the diseases they bring a lot of side benefits like tonic effects,enthusiasm and strength to the body.
All the classical medicines,which are used in Star Ayurveda Clinics,are in use from many centuries,they are recorded in the text books of Ayurveda. Many vaidyas from centuries have used these medicines in their practice and hence the safety and efficacy are well established.
Ans: This is not completely true.The cost of the medicines mainly depend on the type of medicines used in Ayurveda.Starting from herbs like ordinary grass to precious gold are used as medicines in Ayurveda.Hence depending upon the cost of the raw material used,the prices of the prepared medicines are decided.
Many times in order to give a quick and effective positive results to the patients vaidya uses suitable medicines without compromising in quality and genuinity of the medicines. Sometimes in certain diseases for example purusha vandyatva(male infertility),amavata(rheumatoid arthritis),certain brittle vata rogas (nervous disorders), the usage of `gold bhasma` has proved very effective hence the for such diseases will be naturally expensive.
Ans: In Star Ayurveda treatment is available for almost all diseases .In our 36 years of experience we can provide permnent solutions to following problems
Ans : Ayurveda as a supplementary system along with modern medicine,can give better results in these diseases.
Ans : In the diseases like madhumeha(Diabetes) when the patient is already taking the modern medicine he cannot stop them immediately.
In such cases simultaneous administration of Ayurvedic medicine is advised,and later on after obtaining the desired results modern medicines are slowly withdrawn and stopped and Ayurvedic treatment is continued.This has to be done only on the direction of the attending physician.
Ans : The self dispenced medicines are guaranteed for genunity and freshness,where as the company medicines available in the medical stores cannot be always relayed upon,hence medicines are dispenced here. Also,it savesof the patient from searching the medical store and procuring the correct medicines.
Ans : Yes,most of the medicines are manufactured by ourselves.The medicines which we dont manufacture are procured from the market after a careful and stringent selection.
Ans : Some of the surgical disorders like bladder stone,kidney stone,prostate enlargement,piles,fistula,fissure,gangrene,are effectively treated in Ayurveda with help of oral medication only.There are many patients on our records who are advised major surgery by surgeons and later their problems were solved with Ayurvedic medicines.This proves that in some of the surgical disorders instead of surgery,oral Ayurvedic medicines can cure the disease.
Ayurvedic treatment procedure called `Kshara sutra` needs a mention here.this is a simple technique in which a medicated thread is tied to the affected area,which helps in the total excision of the part.
Ans : Not at present.
Ans : Yes.For the patients who have re-imbrusment facility,we give bills for the amount collected.
Ans : 1. Out patient section : Consultation and dispencing of medicine. 2. Snehana & Svedana : Oleation and sudation.
3. Nasya – Errhines.
4. Lepa – Plaster application.
5. Kshara sutra application.
6. Netra Tarpana.
7. Pumsavana karma.
8. Pancakarma chikista.
9.Rejuvenation & Relaxation therpy
Ans : In many instances the modern investigatory procedures help as parameters to evaluate the effect of Ayurvedic treatment, hence we advice the modern investigatory procedures whenever required.
Ans : Yes.The expiry of medicines according to Ayurveda can be listed as below : 1.Choornas-powders-Expires after 2 years of preparation.
2.Gutikas-Tablets-Expires after 1 year of preparation.
3.Lehyas-Semi solid preparation-Expires after 1 year of preparataion.
4.Ghritas-Medicated ghee-expires after 4 months of preparation.
5.Tailas-Medicated oil-Expires after 4 months of preparation.
6.Asava arishtas-Fermented liquid preparatios-become more potent as they become old.
7.Rasaoushadi-Mineral preparations become more potent as they become old.
I would strongly recommend Star ayurveda, which offers the full range of this ancient originality
Miss. Sarika
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STAR AYURVEDA-is a complete lifestyle analysis. It puts you in touch with your body's inner intelligence
Mr. Avinash
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STAR AYURVEDA - Represents the tradition ayurveda at their highest level in the classical texts of this science.
Mr. Kranthi Kumar
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STAR AYURVEDA - is unique because of its hygeine and amaging treatment procedure
Mr. Sreedhar Rao
*Varies from person to person
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