Allopathy offers no effective treatment for oligospermia. The treatment offered includes hormonal pills and surgeries which have got worse side effects and condition usually reoccur
At Star Ayurveda , we realise that you are looking for a treatment plan that can boost your chances of having a child. Star Ayurveda has been one of Hyderabad's best male infertility Ayurvedic doctors and the world's leading Ayurvedic expert in diagnosing and treating male infertility and sexual health problems for over 40 years.
We treat infertility holistically, with the goal of improving the individual's entire health and quality of life. Our Ayurvedic Doctors in Hyderabad offer treatment plans for all types of infertility in men and women.
For many years, not being sexually active has been widespread, growing into a major problem. Many patients bring their worries to our Ayurvedic doctors in Hyderabad and are treated after a long period of time. That is how well our Ayurvedic doctors assist patients in achieving life balance.
Many infertile men are obsessed about their low sperm count - and this seems to become the central concern in their lives.
There are 46 Ayurvedic medicines which give great relief in oligospermia / low sperm count.
Oligospermia refers to semen with a low concentration of sperm ('sperm count').
A low sperm count can be due to many different causes, and this condition may be temporary or permanent
A low sperm count would be defined as less than 20 million sperm per ml of semen
Azoospermia is defined as the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculation
Primary causes of temporarily reduced sperm counts are :
Abnormalities on examination of the external genitalia and prostate are to be considered during physical examination. Abnormalities that need to be looked for are Klinefelter's syndrome, epididymitis, testicular atrophy, urethritis, and prostatitis.
The general endocrine examination is to be done which may reveal hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or hypopituitarism
The stress and marital difficulties are to be assessed as they may lead to addiction of drugs, alcoholism and so on
Routine laboratory tests include a CBC, urinalysis, chemistry panel, thyroid profile, VDRL test, and sperm count. If there is a urethral discharge, a smear and culture should be done. If the sperm count reveals oligospermia on two separate specimens, referral should be made to urologist or endocrinologist for further evaluation
The primary symptom of oligospermia is sub-fertility or infertility
Other symptoms vary depending on the underlying cause of oligospermia; as in sexually transmitted diseases symptoms can include burning with urination, testicular pain and a thick discharge from the penis. With a varicocele, symptoms may include dilated veins in the scrotum and swelling of the scrotum
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STAR AYURVEDA - Represents the tradition ayurveda at their highest level in the classical texts of this science.
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STAR AYURVEDA - is unique because of its hygeine and amaging treatment procedure
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