Ayurvedic Medicine For Psoriasis

Skin disorders constitute one of the largest groups of health problems in the general population and affect the cosmetic, physical, and mental well-being of a person.Psoriasis is a disease that has not been defined properly till today with some of its etiology like familial or genetic inheritance, psychosomatic causes, autoimmune factors, and some opine it as an idiopathic disease.

In Ayurveda, the majority of skin diseases are grouped under a broad heading of kushta roga caused by to vitiation of tridoshas and explained in detail as maha kusta and kshudra kusta with a differentiation of 18 types.

the general causative factors include altered lifestyle, lack of physical exercise, poor hygiene, mental stress, improper diet, and sleep habits which cause accumulation of toxins in the body, etc.

The clinical features include aswedaa(absence of perspiration), lesions on skin of varying size and location, scaling of the skin, red, black, or pale discoloration of the skin, roughess, itching, thickening of skin, any type of discharge, etc.

the disease might vary greatly in severity and presentation of symptoms among different persons and require individualized treatment approaches that can be tricky since it does not easily respond to medicines. furthermore, some skin conditions are chronic and very long-standing with frequent recurrence and require a longer duration of treatment with medicines as well as lifestyle changes

we have expert doctors in Star Ayurveda who are proficient in these aspects of treatment in Ayurveda and can provide individualized treatment protocol for different patients according to their condition. they include shodhana procedures for detoxification and shamana aushadha(oral medications) which helps to eliminate the root cause of the disease decreasing the chances of recurrence