Migraine is a neurological condition that is characterized by frequent headaches along with other symptoms such as nausea, photosensitivity, and disturbed visuals.

According to Ayurveda, migraine is caused by to imbalance of the body’s constitution i.e. vata, pitta, and Kapha. Imbalance in these body components, lifestyle, and an individual’s unique constitution lead to the manifestation of migraines. Star Ayurveda mainly focuses on personalized treatment for each individual by balancing the doshas and alleviating the symptoms.

Our doctors at Star Ayurveda focus on advising patients on a balanced diet to manage migraines. Different kinds of foods are advised for intake and to avoid as well. We also advise the patients for lifestyle changes such as including yoga and meditations in their daily routine and practicing pranayama regularly can help in soothing the nervous system. We also advised our patients to improve their sleep cycle by getting an adequate amount of sleep and sleeping on time. These are two essential factors


With a proper understanding of the root cause and other factors that influence the balance of doshas our doctors at Star Ayurveda prescribe medications depending on the body constitution, aggravated doshas, and also suggest some personalized therapies(if necessary).

According to Ayurveda, a person’s digestive system (agni) defines one’s health. Improper digestion leads to an increase in aama in the body. This aama leads to an increase in toxins. These toxins can be the root cause of migraine headaches. Our doctors at Star Ayurveda handle the root cause by prescribing customized medications and panchakarma therapies.

It is commonly seen in migraine patients that, they experience an increase in headache when exposed to bright light or heavy sunlight. This is known as photosensitivity. During this, the patient also experiences nausea, giddiness, and distorted vision. At Star Ayurveda, we help patients overcome these symptoms with a symptomatic approach to treatment with which the patient starts feeling better after a short period.

It is also seen that migraine headaches are triggered by taking some kinds of food like sweets, sour…etc. We here at Star Ayurveda suggest the patient take foods that don’t lead to complications and avoid foods that trigger migraine. To learn more about our ayurvedic treatment for migraine, click the following link- https://starayurveda.com/ayurvedic-treatment-for-migraine.php